I see exactly what’s standing between you and your authentic, profound liberation. (Hint: it’s usually a blindspot.)
Often the most illustrious amongst us are also extraordinarily “tapped in.” Many have heard of Indigos, those of us who were born to be spiritual warriors, incarnating at this time and place in order to make a significant impact on the fate of the planet. If you found yourself drawn to my work, chances are good that you’re an Indigo too.
Perhaps you’ve already taken a spiritual retreat or two (or more … ) You’ve probably met people who’ve experienced accelerated spiritual awakenings or initiations that left them feeling raw and un-integrated. Sometimes there’s even been bad experiences with previous teachers.
But Indigos keep looking because they’re determined to fulfill the important work that they were born to complete.
If there’s one thing that Indigos have in common it’s this: we know that we’re here to conquer psychological, spiritual, and emotional shackles on behalf of mankind. We are the living proof that opting out of the Matrix is possible. And when we opt into the sovereign will of our unbridled spirit, we can achieve anything.
It’s not long after an Indigo awakens that they realize they’re going to need specialized support. No YouTube video or social media influencer can speak to the specific challenges that somebody on a spiritual warrior’s path will encounter.
That’s because with Indigos, the stakes are higher. They can conquer more, but they can also be more destructive. Their gifts are beautiful, but if handled carelessly, they can become dangerous as well.
As an expert on revolutionary consciousness, I provide private coaching for a select handful of clients. Those who know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they’re here to change the world. And those who can’t stand to spend another moment idly lighting candles and hoping that if they just focus on love and light, eventually change will come.
Coaching clients receive my deep insight into their auric field, psychic abilities, and reincarnation journey. I take the magnitude of their soul mission seriously, using my exclusive techniques to give them customized practices and accelerate their empowerment.
Indigos have no time to waste. Their love, family, and freedom depend on it. Personal coaching is the best and the fastest way to stop wasting this incarnation and start truly fulfilling their destiny.
As a higher vibration being, you hold yourself to standards of excellence in every area of your life, which can leave you feeling drained. You may be an empath who seems to attract one narcissist after another. Or maybe you’re a parent who’s decided once and for all to design your life so that you can finally put your family first.
Even the most spiritually tuned-in people can burn out from the stimulus of mundane reality. In fact, your spiritual gifts might mean that you need extra support to develop an advanced set of skills for managing your highly-unique energetic signature.
And . . . it’s not your fault. Narcissists are drawn to empaths like Holly Golightly is attracted to Tiffany diamonds. As highly sensitive people, we are going to be attracted to exactly the partners with difficult traits who keep us feeling trapped and hopeless . . . if we do not heal it from the root cause.
You’ve woken up from the illusion, having seen what’s possible beyond the limited version of consensus reality. You’re highly-sensitive and aware on some level that you are in service to a divine cause.
You have the power and capacity to achieve true liberation from the inside out. But it’s this very gift that allures people to your energy, where they desire to harness your talents for their purposes. You know it’s only a matter of time before they ask you to sacrifice your dreams, your happiness, and even your loved ones in the process.
When you stand in your power and your beliefs, you are much easier to read energetically. This is the secret to creating a world where your values, gifts, and sovereignty operate harmoniously, uplifting you rather than being a cause of strain.
Greater gifts mean greater responsibility. Energetic self-care at your level needs to come from a qualified expert whose aim is to ensure that you thrive. The best coach is one who knows what you’re capable of, one who will push you to not only identify your gifts, but to use them to their fullest potential.
A true guide will acquaint you with your strengths in a way that serves your higher purpose as a spiritual warrior, fighting for the liberation of human consciousness.
I know from personal experience that you can walk through Hellfire and let the flames become a thriving part of you, giving you the ability to overcome anything in your path.
You’ve gotten to the end of your rope, and are so completely done with the old patterns that just aren’t working for the new state of consciousness that you’re growing into.
Look deep within and ask yourself:
Do I truly desire to claim my personal power, integrate my enlightenment, break away from limiting structures and belief systems, free myself from energetic parasites, become fiercely proficient at psychic martial arts, navigate out-of-body experiences with grace, release stuck energy from my being, heal from spiritual wounding, and DISCOVER HOW TO BEND LIGHT AND ENERGY TO CREATE THE LIFE I’VE ALWAYS WANTED?
I established the Stellar Academy as a training center for my proprietary energy modality, Auric Core Field Method. My protégés gain the power to heal energy leaks and blockages, gaining Jedi-like control of the energy field.
Beyond unleashing people’s spiritual gifts and potential, and freeing them from belief in limiting systems, my teachings equip empaths with the power of psychic self defense. It’s important now more than ever that highly sensitive people stop being victims to the plights of narcissists, anxiety, sleep paralysis and psychic burn out.
The only way to the next level is by taking charge of your power, mastering psychic martial arts, and deciding with full awareness what reality you’re choosing to partake in.
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